This week’s Catholic social teaching principles are:
Solidarity & The Common Good
This week's assembly will focus on:
International Human Solidarity Day, which takes place on 20th December
At St Mary's, Catholic Social Teaching is incorporated into our curriculum. Children are asked to put their faith into action and reflect on how their learning enables them to do so. Each collective worship refers to Catholic Social Teaching which helps make the worship relevant to our lives today.
We show solidarity by:
- raising awareness of social justice
- writing to our local leaders
- praying for others
- making connections
- making socially responsible choices
We recognise the human dignity of others by:
- being respectful
- treating people equally
- raising awareness of civil rights
- preferential option for the vulnerable
We show we are part of a community by:
- working together
- working for the common good
- participating and engaging
- being active members of our community
We show we care for creation by:
- taking responsibility for our environment
- making environmentally responsible choices
- having awe and wonder for the natural world
We recognise the dignity of work by:
- respecting all workers
- contributing to society
- making responsible economic choices
- supporting wellbeing and workers' rights
- sharing our talents with others
We acknowledge our rights and responsibilities by:
- recognising our duties as members of a community
- standing up for what is right
- following our school rules
We show we are people of peace by:
- treating each other kindly
- turning away from conflict
- creating bonds between people
We show a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable by:
- fundraising for charitable causes
- raising awareness
- treating others with dignity and respect
- thinking of the needs of others