
St Mary's Primary School, A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Journeying in the light of Christ, together we live and learn

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At St Mary's, prayer is an integral part of school life. Prayer empowers us to serve God through showing care and compassion to others.

Children are taught traditional Catholic prayers throughout their time at school including the Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be and Eternal Rest.


Our school prayer is:

St Mary, Help us every day

To be like Jesus this we pray

Help our school to be a place

Where happiness shines from every face

Help us learn and share and care

And make our school a place of prayer


Each class says prayers in the morning, grace at lunch and prayers at the end of the day. Children also keep a prayer journal and have regular opportunities to express themselves through prayer. 

Any member of our school community can submit prayer requests to be prayed in collective worship and included on our school newsletter. 

We are linked in prayer to one of the Sheffield Catholic School Partnership schools - St Joseph's in Handsworth - and we regularly pray for their school community. 

We have recently developed a prayer space in our school ground - named the 'Faith Forest' by the children. This space is used for prayer, quiet reflection and collective worship. 

Families are encouraged to participate in prayer through the sending home and sharing of Advent and Lent bags.

