
St Mary's Primary School, A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Journeying in the light of Christ, together we live and learn

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Early Years - The Burrow

Mrs Gee & Mrs Reeves are the teachers in our reception class. Mrs Gee teaches Monday & Tuesday and Mrs Reeves teaches Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Mrs West is the teaching assistant on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday and Mrs Russell is the teaching assistant on Thursday & Friday. Our PE day is TBC. Our class name is The Burrow and we are the rabbits.


Our Class Saint

St Nicholas. Patron Saint of Children. Feast day is 6th December.

St Nicholas was a Bishop who devoted himself to caring for the poor and protecting children. He was a defender of truth and justice and during the persecution of Christians, he upheld the divinity of Christ. St Nicholas is an important figure in The Netherlands where, on his feast day, children put out shoes for St Nicholas to fill with gifts. Dutch immigrants took the legend and traditions of St Nicholas with them to the USA along with his nickname Sinterklaas which eventually became Santa Claus and part of the Christmas holiday.  

St Nicholas, pray for us  

Our Curriculum Overview


Autumn Term - History DriverSpring Term - Geography DriverSummer Term - Arts Driver

Big Question: Where do I come from? What makes a house a home?

Authentic Outcome: Create a talking book

Concepts: Belonging, identity, equality

Catholic Social Teaching: Human Dignity / Community

Core Texts: We're Going on a Bear Hunt, The Train Ride, All are Welcome, The Name Jar, Everybody's Welcome

Communication and Language: Following instructions / listening to stories / understanding questions

Personal, Social and Emotional: New Beginnings / Getting on and Falling Out / Say no to Bullying

RSHE: Created to love others

Physical: Funky Fingers / First PE / Gymnastics

Understanding the World

History: My History

Science: Autumn / Habitats

RE: Myself / Welcome / Birthdays / Other Faiths

DT: Tools and techniques for joining

Expressive Arts and Design: Using tools and techniques to make marks / Singing new and familiar songs



Big Question: How can we improve where we live?

Authentic Outcome: Class assembly

Concepts: Beauty, community, pride

Catholic Social Teaching: Care for Creation

Core Texts: The Gruffalo's Child, The Gingerbread Man, Tidy, The Mouse who wasn't Scared, Billy and the Beast

Communication and Language: Retelling stories / asking questions / talking in full sentences

Personal, Social and Emotional: Going for Goals / Good to be Me

RSHE: Created to live in community

Physical: Pen Disco / Multi Skills / Tennis / Balance Bikes

Understanding the World

Geography: Our Local Area

Science: Floating and Sinking / Plants / Materials

DT: Designing, making and evaluating a construction

RE: Celebrating / Gathering / Growing

Expressive Arts and Design: Art in Nature / Illustrations / Percussion






Big Question: What's in the Garden? If you were an animal, what would you be?

Authentic Outcome: Collaborative Art Showcase

Concepts: Care, change, responsibilities

Catholic Social Teaching: Care for Creation

Core Texts: Jack and the Beanstalk, Oliver's Vegetables, Bloom, The Dandelion Seed and Tiger, Tiger

Communication and Language: Creating stories / reciprocal conversations / using new vocabulary

Personal, Social and Emotional: Relationships / Changes

RSHE: Created and loved by God

Physical: Handwriting / Jungle Dance / Athletics

Understanding the World

Science: Growing and Changing

RE: Good News / Friends / Our World

DT: Cooking and Nutrition

Expressive Arts and Design: Collage / Performance / Notable Artists 





Core Texts

Resources to support current learning

Snapshot of Learning
