
St Mary's Primary School, A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Journeying in the light of Christ, together we live and learn

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Year Two - The Pod

Mrs Hirst is the teacher in our Y2 class and Mrs Finney is the graduate teacher. Our PE days are Tuesday & Wednesday. Our class name is The Pod and we are the whales.


Our Class Saint

St Francis of Assisi. The Patron Saint of Animals and Ecology. Feast day is 4th October. 

St Francis was a man of wealth and business who had a dream that God told him he had it all wrong. St Francis became a man of God who gave up all his possessions and began to preach. Others joined his simple life. St Francis had a deep relationship with nature - he felt all of God's creation was part of his brotherhood. He wrote the beautiful Canticle of the Sun that expresses this brotherhood with creation. 

St Francis of Assisi, pray for us.

Our Current Class Books

Our Curriculum Overview
Autumn Term: History DriverSpring Term: Geography DriverSummer Term: Art Driver

Big Question: Who were the little people with big dreams?

Authentic Outcome: Own ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ book

Project Concepts: Inequality, Change, Knowledge, Power

Catholic Social Teaching: Human Dignity / Solidarity

Science: Light and Shadows

Computing: How do I Use a computer as a writer? Historical Factfile / How do I improve my algorithms? Write instructions for pop up card

D&T: Sliders and Levers – Christmas card

PE: Social Dodgeball / Winter Dance

RE: Beginnings / Signs & Symbols / Preparations

PSHE: Relationships

RSHE: Created to Love Others

Online Safety: The Social Web / Protecting Ourselves

















Big Question: The World

Authentic Outcome: World Café

Project Concepts: Diversity, Identity, Community

Catholic Social Teaching: Care for Creation

Science: Living things and their habitats/Animals including humans 

Computing: What is a branching database? Habitats/ How do I improve programs? Continents and Oceans

D&T: Preparing fruit and Vegetables – World Café

PE: Gymnastics / Kwik cricket

RE: Books / Thanksgiving / Opportunities

PSHE: Living in the wider world

RSHE: Created to Live in Community

Online Safety: Commercial Risks / News and Media


















Big Question: That’s the way to do it’ – or is it? 

Authentic Outcome: Puppet Show

Project Concepts: Change, Creativity, Adversity, Tradition

Catholic Social Teaching: Community and Participation

Art: Portraits / Sculpture

Music: How does music enrich our lives?

Science: Living things and plants

Computing: How do I create a multimedia story?

D&T: Templates and Joining – making textile puppets

PE: Tennis / Athletics

RE: Spread the Word / Rules / Treasures

PSHE: Health & wellbeing

RSHE: Created and Loved by God

Online Safety: Lifestyle and Health







Resources to support current learning

Snapshot of Learning
