
St Mary's Primary School, A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Journeying in the light of Christ, together we live and learn

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Year Three - The Igloo

Miss Naylor is the teacher in our Y3 class and Miss Jackson is the graduate teacher. Mrs Haslam and Mrs Christlo are the teaching assistant. Our PE day is Thursday. Our class name is The Igloo and we are the penguins. 


Our Class Saint

St Peter. Patron of Fishermen. Feast day is 29th June. 

Peter and his brother Andrew were fishermen when they met Jesus. Peter followed Jesus and his life was changed forever. He became one of the twelve apostles and was among the first to be chosen as one of Jesus' followers. Peter means 'rock' and Jesus told Peter he would be the rock on which the church is built. Peter is known as the first Pope - the first leader of the Church. Peter showed faithfulness and determination in following Jesus' call. 

St Peter, pray for us.


Snapshot of Learning

Our Current Class Book

Our Curriculum Overview


Autumn Term: History DriverSpring Term: Geography DriverSummer Term: Art Driver

Big Question: The Power of Change – What will life be like in 100 years?

Authentic Outcome: Museum of Local History for community

Project Concepts: Change, Rights, Power, Poverty

Catholic Social Teaching: Dignity of Work / Concern for the Vulnerable

Science: Materials and forces (magnets)

Computing: What makes a good poster? Link to history (timeline) / How do I use repetition in programs to make them more efficient? (Christmas card – repeated shape or looped music)

D&T: Levers and Linkages – Christmas card

PE: Multiskills / Gymnastics

RE: Homes / Promises / Visitors

PSHE: Relationships

RSHE: Created to Love Others

Online Safety: The Social Web / Protecting Ourselves











Big Question: Mountains and Volcanoes 

Authentic Outcome: Create a book for Chapeltown library

Project Concepts: Adversity, Change, Sustainability

Catholic Social Teaching: Care for Creation / Rights and Responsibilities

Science: Rocks and soils

Computing: How do I use forever loops in programs? / How do we use databases to find out information? (Mountain database)

D&T: 2D Shape to 3D Product – textiles – make a chalk bag for bouldering

PE: Sportshall Athletics / Quicksticks

RE: Journeys / Listening & Sharing / Giving All

PSHE: Living in the wider world

RSHE: Created to Live in Community

Online Safety: Commercial Risks / News and Media






Big Question: How does city life inspire artists?

Authentic Outcome: Portraits on a cityscape

Project Concepts: Community, Passion, Identity, Class

Catholic Social Teaching: Community

Art: Portraits / 3d shapes / Photography

Music: Sheffield Football Music

Science: Plants

Computing: How do I use the computer as a musician? (create a piece of music to accompany artwork)

D&T: Healthy and varied diet – linked to science / PSHE

PE: Rounders / Athletics

RE: Energy / Choices / Special Places

PSHE: Health & wellbeing

RSHE: Created and Loved by God

Online Safety: Lifestyle and Health




Resources to support current learning
