
St Mary's Primary School, A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Journeying in the light of Christ, together we live and learn

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Year Four - The Den

Mrs Waind and Mrs Taheem are the teachers in our Y4 class. Our PE day is Tuesday. Our class name is The Den and we are the polar bears. 


Our Class Saint

St Christopher. The Patron Saint of Travellers. Feast day is 25th July

St Christopher's life is surrounded by many amazing stories. Christopher wanted to serve the greatest King on Earth. His travels led him to kings, rulers and even the Devil before learning about Jesus. Christopher served Jesus by helping guide boats and people across a dangerous river. One day a small boy asked Christopher to help him cross. The child grew heavier and heavier and Christopher barely made it to the other side. The boy revealed that he was Christ and that Christopher was to help him carry the burdens of the world. Christopher then went and taught many people about Jesus.

St Christopher, pray for us. 

Snapshot of Learning

Our Current Class Book

Our Curriculum Overview


Autumn Term: History DriverSpring Term: Geography DriverSummer Term: Art Driver

Big Question: Settlements - What is the difference between surviving and living?

Authentic Outcome: Community Project - How can we help people in our community live rather than survive?

Project Concepts: Wellbeing, Change, Spirituality, Community

Catholic Social Teaching: Community

Science: Animals including humans (digestion and teeth) & Sound

Computing: What makes an excellent multimedia story? Link to history. How do I write efficient program in logo and scratch? Scratch Christmas card

D&T: Health and Varies Diet

PE: Basketball / Tudor dance

RE: People / Called / Gifts

PSHE: Relationships

RSHE: Created to Love Others

Online Safety: The Social Web / Protecting Ourselves








Big Question: Why is water so important? Rivers and Oceans

Authentic Outcome: Create community awareness of water pollution by making posters and leaflets and advertising the cause in the community

Project Concepts: Sustainability, Responsibility, Beauty

Catholic Social Teaching: Care for Creation / Rights and Responsibilities

Science: Electricity 

Computing: How is data shared online? Rivers. How do I use a program to tell stories? Retell part of Charlotte’s Web

PE: Gymnastics / Kwik cricket

RE: Community / Giving & Receiving / Self Discipline

PSHE: Living in the wider world

RSHE: Created to Live in Community

Online Safety: Commercial Risks / News and Media









Big Question: There is no Plan B!

Authentic Outcome: Reclaimed Art Tapestry & Create a sculpture out

of plastic to represent the ocean and showcase to community

Project Concepts:

Stewardship, Responsibility, Fairness, Sustainability

Catholic Social Teaching: Care for Creation / Rights and Responsibilities 

Art: Sketching, painting, textiles

Music: Making music using reclaimed materials

Science: Habitats + States of matter 

Computing: How do I use a computer as an artist?

D&T: Shell structures – environmentally friendly instrument

PE: Tennis / Athletics

RE: New Life / Building Bridges / God’s People

PSHE: Health & wellbeing

RSHE: Created and Loved by God

Online Safety: Lifestyle and Health













Resources to support current learning
